
Episode 19: Dreamer Investor – Jonathan Nunez

Jonathan considers himself a family man before anything else. He is a father to two children. One with autism. After that, he lives and breathes investing. His mission is to guide new investors that are starting their journey to building wealth. He invests in long-term investments through stocks, cryptocurrency. He hopes to retire millionaire and leave a legacy for his children. #autismawareness

👉Get connected with Jonathan and find out more through his Facebook group DACA Dreampoint

👉For more info and resources visit my website or follow me on Instagram @latinamericaneo

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Episode 10: California water begins trading on wall street & toxic water in Latino towns

Two billion people now live in nations plagued by water problems, and almost two-thirds of the world could face water shortages in just four years. The United Nations has long warned that human-driven climate change is leading to severe droughts and more flooding, making water availability increasingly less predictable. In California, the most recent acute dry spell stretched from December 2011 until March of last year. The direst effects took hold in July 2014, with 58% of the state’s land suffering “exceptional drought,” leading to crop and pasture losses and other water emergencies. Water also recently joined gold, oil, and other commodities traded on wall street.

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Episodio 10: El agua de California comienza a comerciar en Wall Street y agua tóxica en ciudades latinas

Dos mil millones de personas viven ahora en naciones plagadas de problemas de agua y casi dos tercios del mundo podrían enfrentar escasez de agua en solo cuatro años. Las Naciones Unidas han advertido durante mucho tiempo que el cambio climático provocado por los seres humanos está provocando graves sequías y más inundaciones, lo que hace que la disponibilidad de agua sea cada vez menos predecible. En California, el periodo seco agudo más reciente se extendió desde diciembre de 2011 hasta marzo del año pasado. Los efectos más espantosos se produjeron en julio de 2014, cuando el 58% de la tierra del estado sufrió una “sequía excepcional”, lo que provocó pérdidas de cultivos y pastos y otras emergencias relacionadas con el agua. El agua también se unió recientemente al oro, el petróleo y otras materias que se comercializan en Wall Street.

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Key Takeaways Key terms to know before you start investing include dividends, Earnings per share, Share Price, ticker symbol,  and that Stocks, shares, and equities mean the same thing.  There are no magic formulas for investing success. There’s little standing between you and successful investing, except a little research and a solid understanding of the…

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In episode 8 I went over the different types of asset classes you can invest in. I briefly mentioned stocks as one of the riskier options. I explained that stocks are pieces of ownership in companies and some even pay dividends. In this episode, I’ll be diving a bit deeper into stocks, their key terms, why you should invest in them, and where they are bought & sold.

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