
Episode 12: Soledad talks finance and wealth in the Latino community

For this episode, I had the honor to talk with Rita-Soledad Fernandez Paulino from @wealthparatodos. We talk about everything from getting out of debt to tips and tricks on how to get your financial journey started and including how to change your mindset and start your financial journey no matter what age you are. Soledad is the Chief Financial Officer of the small start-up Puro Party Paulinos aka her family of four. She became a personal finance enthusiast after becoming debt-free while sick on medical leave and is now studying to become a Certified Financial Planner. Soledad is committed to talking dinero with anyone willing to listen so that we can all build wealth juntos. Subscribe to her newsletter to be motivated to have your best financial year yet!

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Episode 8: INVESTING

Investing is the act of putting your money to work with the expectation of achieving a profit. With the types of investing that most consumers do, you can think of it as a very well researched bet on an outcome.
you likely know what the concept of investing actually is. However, what exactly are you investing in? In other words, what are you spending your money on? Well, there are a variety of things you can invest in and a variety of ways to do it. In this episode, I go over some of those ways.

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Episodio 8: INVERTIR

Invertir es el acto de poner tu dinero a trabajar con la expectativa de obtener ganancias. Con los tipos de inversión que hace la mayoría de los consumidores, puedes pensarlo como una apuesta muy bien investigada en un resultado.
probablemente sepas cuál es el concepto de inversión. Sin embargo, ¿en qué estás invirtiendo exactamente? En otras palabras, ¿en qué estás gastando tu dinero? Bueno, hay una variedad de cosas en las que puedes invertir y una variedad de formas de hacerlo. En este episodio, repaso algunas de esas formas.

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EPISODIO 4: AHORROS “Las familias hispanas están entre las menos preparadas para una emergencia financiera, con el 27% solo teniendo menos de un mes de gastos ahorrados. Y sólo el 21% de las familias latinas han reservado suficiente dinero para cubrir más de 6 meses de gastos” PUNTOS IMPORTANTES: Ahorrar dinero para el futuro es…

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In this episode, I’ll be covering not only why it’s important to have a savings plan but also some tips and a quick financial plan so you can start saving towards an emergency fund or your future goals.

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